It was a roll filled with cow spleen. As bad as that might sound it was actually really good. It is always great to try something that we would normally never eat but in a different culture is normal. It was good.
At that same market there was alot of frech seafood, which looked amazing but we coldnt really do too much with it seeing that we were staying in a hotel.

I had been saying the whole trip that I really wanted to go to a castle, and there we were, at a castle 2000 feet above sea level, looking over a cliff at the ocean. This was in Erice, The oldest town in Sicily and it was possibly the highlight of the trip. There is this city built on the top of this mountain that just drops off to a cliff on all sides. The bus ride up was also very entertaining, it was a little scary.

Spero and I ventured out in Palermo and found an outdoor concert, it was alot of fun.

Back in Palermo. Hanging out at il duomo

Greek temple in Segesta

This is a picture from Pompeii. We did not get to go to Pompeii because it was raining, which was really disappointing, but we did go to the Pompeii museum, the Highlight of which was the erotica room, where there was large phallic statues and very provocative portraits. It was a very interesting different culture.